Monday, November 2, 2009

It's Slower in the South

Day: 79
High Temp: 71F
Job Status: Unemployed

I haven't been writing much lately, as there hasn't been a whole lot to report. I am feeling like I am in a bit of a holding pattern, actually. I have officially been unemployed for 3 months now. I really can't believe it has taken so long. But, I have learned that things move much slower in the south. So, on top of searching and applying for jobs and taking Homer out to the park, there hasn't been a whole lot going on.

I did get a call on Friday for a phone interview, for a job that I applied to six weeks ago. SIX WEEKS AGO! My experience in Chicago was if you didn't hear in 2-3 weeks, you could just forget about it. But that said, I am thankful for another interview opportunity. This will be my third interview since arriving here. I am still waiting to hear about possible second interviews for the first two positions I interviewed for. In each case, I felt like the interviews went pretty well, but you know, things move much slower in the south.

What hasn't moved slow here is the onslaught of "holiday" advertising. It seems as though all these places were just waiting for Halloween to be over before starting to run their joy filled adverts. Although I must call out Crayola, who has been showing this commercial for a few weeks now that alludes generally to "gifts" and seems non-holiday until the very end when the viewer is treated to the subtle last 9 notes of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." I recognize you for what you are Crayola ad! I mean, I LOVE Christmas, and the whole holiday season. It is the absolute best time of the year. But come on, I think two full months are enough.

I am, though, happy to report that my some of my holiday catalogues have already found their way to me, and all the way down here in Texas. I am already dog-earring pages filled with items much too expensive to buy for my friends and family this year (sorry guys, looks like 2009 will be an all-homemade Christmas...)

I did get one bit of amazing news last week that had me crying tears of joy. I am not sure how public this news is yet, but rest assured I will let the stork out of the bag just as soon as I am given the go ahead. Stay tuned...After all, if there is one lesson that I hope to learn here in Texas, it is that some things are worth waiting for.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, some Texans would object to calling Texas "The South." It's just Texas. It's its own thing. Yes, that's been explained to me several times by angry Texans.
