Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Big News

Day: 87
High Temp: 78F
Status: Unemployed

So a few blogs ago I included a teaser about some very happy news that I had recently received. I have been given the go-ahead from the primarily involved parties, and am happy to let the world (or my dozen or so readers) know that come this July 2010 I will be an aunt! That is right, little brother Andy and his wife Megan are expecting a baby.

For those of you really in the know, you may also have heard that just about a week before the news of the pregnancy, we were informed that Andy and Megan's international adoption papers were accepted by the authorities of Ethiopia. Yes, that is right, not one, but two babies on the way... technically at least. It will be at least another year (or two) before Andy and Megan can travel to Ethiopia for the adoption, but two babies! Add that to the 3 dogs, and you have one very full house.

I am so thrilled for the two of them, and maybe most of all for my parents. Truth is, Bob and Mona have been ready for grandkids for a while now, and this definitly takes the pressure off of Tom and I, at least for the time being. And, I will be an Aunt again!!! (I have been honorary aunt to my friend Jenny's two beautiful babies (okay not babies anymore) all their lives, so I have lots of practice.)

So, yeah, when my wedding day rolls around next October, there will be a baby! Oh, and credit to Dan Nies, who after reading the teaser in the previous post emailed me to register his correct guess that Andy was having a baby. And a hearty laugh to all my crazy friends who, for a brief moment, were thinking I was the one with the bun in the oven.


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