High Temp: 72F
Job Status: Unemployed (went to two networking events this week though!)
We took Homer to the dog park for the first time today. Tom has been asking me to take him for weeks, but I have been too nervous to go it alone. He is a very friendly dog, who will run off to say hello to anyone he sees. I could just imagine him getting excited by a dog running by, and me never being able to catch him again.
Tom and I were finally able to go together this afternoon, and it was Homer's first public off-leash experience. The park we went to has a nice fenced in area, so no matter how far or fast he ran, we would, in theory, be able to catch up. It turns out, he is a total rock star, and our training has paid off. Not only would he check back in with us occasionally of his own volition, but he almost always came back when we called him.
Dog parks are brilliant because you can just sit around while your dog goes crazy chasing other dogs, or being chased. And at the end of the night, after a hard afternoon of playing, you end up with this:
Needless to say, there are many dog park visits in Homer's future.
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