Monday, September 28, 2009

Reunion Reminiscing

Day: 44
High Temp: 91F
Job Status: Unemployed
Jobs Applied To: 6 (still no interviews... wtf?)

And so, I was home this weekend to attend my 10 year high school reunion. There were many highlights of the weekend, most of which revolve around the friends I have actually managed to keep for these many years since we graduated. I was thrilled to have a chance to see them all, and really enjoyed catching up. I have to say, that while we all had a really good time with each other, the scene at the reunion was intensely weird. For anyone who has gone to one of these you know what I mean, for those who haven't, it is just about as bad as you are imagining.

The shock literally never wears off, no matter how many glasses of wine you consume. Every time you look around you are stunned by the sight of yet another person you had forgotten existed. The most unfair truth about the reunion is that everyone, whether whispered to their friends, or silently to themselves, is categorizing everyone else they see. There are two categories: better than in high school, or worse. There was a lot of better, which was nice to see. And I have to say that the women seem to be faring better than the men... sorry fellas.

My reunion group was made up of Jenny and Steve (Jenny and Steve actually met in high school. Jenny was in my class, and Steve was 2 years ahead of us- we all met through theatre), Jenna and Ben (Jenna was in my class, and we also became friends through theatre. Ben is her fabulous husband who is not only a lot of fun, but is also a brilliant doctor.), Mollie and Gavin (I cannot exactly recall how Mollie and I became friends, but the match is so perfect. She is everything I hope people think I am, hillarious, ireverent and very smart. This weekend was my first time meeting Gavin, who is a very sweet east coast boy. Gavin and Mollie were married earlier this summer), and Kendra and Tom (Kendra and I had many classes together, and Kendra, like Mollie, is amazingly smart and so funny. This was my first time meeting her fella, Tom, who was very nice, and very brave for agreeing to attend even though no wedding vows dictated he must.) and Rissi, who pretty much was my date, as we were both solo for the evening.

The above group met up before hand to grab some drinks at the illustrious Eureka Wine Bar, where we of course ran into a few alums who had the same idea as us... the Wine Bar, is actually owned by an alum's parents, so that was no huge suprise. We had decided that a pre-reunion glass of wine would be a good idea, and this was a brilliant plan, which I would highly recommend to anyone making plans for their own reunion. After a few drinks, and feeling very social, we loaded up, and headed to a country club just down the road for the reunion. We stayed there until we were unceremoniously kicked out, and proceeded to go to (oh god) JP's in Eureka. This place is the epitome of Eureka, and not at all how I wanted to end my night. So, after sitting there for, oh, 10 minutes, Rissi and I bid adieu to our old HS buddies, and made our escape down the highway to Denny's, where we proceeded to feast upon grand slam breakfasts and do some real catching up.

After our midnight meal, I drove home feeling really happy that I had come home for the reunion. As I said, it was intensly surreal, but ultimately totally worth it!


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