1. I dont hate Austin anymore! Last weekend Tom and I had some friends over that we hadn't seen in a while. They are from Chicago, and have just finished up their first year in Austin. Although not miserable, they are pretty clearly unhappy here. I couldn't disagree with anything they said (in fact, I agreed with A LOT of what they said), but I also couldn't help but see just how far I have come since this time last year when I was so miserable. It helped realize that I have grown to kind of like this city. I hope they find our commiseration comforting, and I hope they will find their second year here to be a vast improvement over their first, as I did.
2. I get no respect. Some serious shit went down at work this week, including the laying off of a colleague and friend. It brought my situation here into sharp focus for me. While I know my job is safe at least for the next academic year, I also realized that it is time to give up the fight. I have struggled daily with the fact that this job doesn't fulfill me. It doesn't utilize my experience, it doesn't really grown me professionally, and it has become increasingly clear that the institution itself neither understands nor respects what it is fundraisers do. This is the first time I can remember that school or work hasn't been an important and fulfilling aspect of my life. While I do find some elements of growth and fulfillment this in the larger development community at UT, I am accepting the fact that this job will never be what it could be, but also that this is fine for now. All the shit hitting the fan has helped me do what I have been trying to do for months now, which is to just let go, and stop trying so hard. I do have reservations when I imagine how much good I might do if I kept trying, but without support from above, the struggle really is futile. I see that now, and it is liberating.
3. The appeal of Mr. Darcy is very real. Tom is out of town this week, living the life of an artist at
The Orchard Project in the Catskills. While he is away, I have taken the opportunity to finally watch the much lauded BBC Pride and Prejudice miniseries. I read the book last fall, and it immediately grabbed a top spot as one of my absolute favorite reads of all time. So far, the miniseries is really living up to expectations. Colin Firth really is the perfect Darcy. Indeed, I think his portrayal may be even better than the written character. My only gripe is with the casting choice of Susannah Harker as the oldest sister in the Bennet family, Jane. She is supposed to be the most beautiful of the five sisters, and this is repeatedly stated outright. While the actress may be a perfectly lovely looking lady, she does not suit the period costumes or hair styles at all. She looks quite mannish actually. And anytime her mother or neighbors comment on her uncommon beauty, I find myself taken out of the story entirely, and even giggling sometimes. Have any of you seen it? Did you have the same reaction?
4. Dog buddies are awesome. One of my very dear friends from DePaul has moved to the Austin area with her husband, who has recently been stationed at nearby Ft. Hood. Along with her very agreeable husband, she has also brought her adorable puggle, Wrigley. Homer and Wrigley seem to like each other quite a bit, which is a good thing since Wrigley is staying with us for the next few days while his parents attend a wedding in Wisconsin. Is it wrong that I am secretly hoping this visit will help me lay the opening arguments to Tom for a doggie sibling for Homer?
Never has a three-day weekend been so acutely needed than this one. Work has been pretty hellish this week and I really need to put it behind me for a few days. Oh and Tom comes home tonight. Awesome!