Thursday, April 15, 2010

Holding Back

Day: 243
High Temp: 74F

I wanted to share with you a situation and get some feedback on it.  Like many of you, I have a Facebook page.  I check it a few times throughout the work day, and generally find the random thoughts of my friends and family members entertaining and informative.  This is particularly true of the tweenage daughter of one of my cousins. She is on it constantly, and is always in the middle of hormone-fueled dramas with her school friends. It's quite hilarious, and it helps me remember why I am so glad to not be a teenager any more!

That was not the case this morning when I read her update that said "if you come to our country, learn to speak our language, or don't come at all. :)"

I find that ignorant and offensive.  Hoping that surely this young, smart kid was alluding to some kind of inside joke, I write, "that is a joke, right"

She says, "nope."

Me, "okay, well then I have to ask, you realize that "our language" wasn't here first, right? when your English speaking ancestors arrived, they were foreigners. basically, you are the product of immigrants."

I know it is Facebook, not the place to pick political or social fights with family members, but I just could not let it slide.  I spent a school year volunteering in the Chicago Public Schools, teaching a curriculum of human rights and tolerance with Amnesty International. I can get a young man who grew up in the DRC to come around to the fact that it is not okay to persecute homosexuals, then certainly I can help my sheltered second-cousin realize the ignorance of what she is saying.

To her credit (I think), she then posted, "Ohh sorry i have facebook mobile and i wasnt sure which status you commented on. And didnt know that:) thanks for lettin me know.:) Haha"  

I can see her rolling her eyes while posting it, but still, she seemed to at least gather that what she said was offensive.

Following that, this girl's aunt (the woman married to another of my cousins) said "I agreed because most immigrants from mexico are illegal and stubborn so the case is closed for me."

Well, that pissed me off.  I want to go back on there and say to the aunt, "Oh, well, if most Mexicans are illegal and stubborn, then of course, by all means, marginalize them!" Or to the young woman who originated this post, "Well yes, with adult roll models like these, I can see what you are a closed-minded xenophobe."

These people are my family, and here there are doing their best to prove another stereotype- people from Missouri are backwards, intolerant hicks. 

So, instead of instigating a huge war of the families (which I kind of want to do, because, lets face it, I am right, and I have mad debating skills), I am writing this post. What do you guys think. Hold my tongue. Fight against ignorance? Am I just self-righteous?

UPDATE: A few hours after my blog posting, I got a little notification on my Blackberry that someone else had commented on the original Facebook post which incited my little war. Nervous about what other horror may have been unleashed, I tentatively checked what was new. Turns out it was the offending tween's dad, my cousin, who had this to say, "Yeah, I just can't leave this one opinion, but this statement is a little narrow-minded, intolerant and certainly not a reflection on her father. I encourage free thinking but wowzers!"

Good on ya cousin Justin! Thank you for saying what needed to be said, in a caring and open minded way, and with a sense of humor and love. This probably had a more (positive) affect than anything I could have said.

And thanks for those who here, and over email, gave me their thoughts on this subject. It's good to know that you guys are out there fighting the good fight against intolerance too! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, totally wrote a huge meaningful comment, and apparently wasn't smart enough to hit submit enough times...

    My thought was WOW! I cannot believe the ignorance and intolerance that still resides in this country (not just MissourI). And that although I am completely behind you if you want to start a war, I don't think facebook is the place to do it. This is just based on some recent partridge family facebook drama that I have had recently.

    By the way, where is she getting her facts? Most Mexicans are illegal? This country is a melting pot of hard working families of all races and ethnicities. That just pissed me off.

    PS - I am having to keep the computer from Andy so that his rage isn't unleashed on facebook. He is ready to go to war :)
