Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey friends! I guess it has been a while since I posted. The past few months have really flown by, and I keep getting surprised when someone tells me the date.  How is it possible that it is already *late* November?

Life has been pretty normal here in Texas. Tom is nearly finished with the fall semester. Work for me is the same as it ever was, except now I have a lot more stuff to do, and get paid a tiny bit more to do it. But that long stretch of normal is coming to an end soon, as we anticipate the Thanksgiving holiday!

Next Tuesday, Tom and I are getting on a plane to fly out to California to have Thanksgiving with his family. We will once again be in the mountains in Truckee for the weekend. We had to skip last year, so we are both really excited to be reunited with our beloved Thanksgiving traditions, which look a little something like this:

We will do puzzles and play board games.  I don't know about everyone else, but I will drink wine before the sun goes down without apology. There will be skiing, hot tubbing, snow ball throwing and lots of laying around and reading books. I will make many pies. We will all regularly exceed the recommended daily caloric intake. There will be running charades and we will play a fantastically nerve-wracking card game called, innocuously, Kitty. I will wear my Christmas monkey pajamas to bed on Thursday night, as I gleefully welcome in the Christmas season. Friend family feuds over college football will be sparked. We will bask in the simple joy of spending so much time with so many people we love so much.

I hope you all have equally wonderful holiday traditions to look forward to, wherever you may be.  And since all the travel preparations will probably prevent me from writing again before the big day, I just want to say, "Happy Thanksgiving!"


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