Friday, June 17, 2011

What I Learned (v4)

This week is a special two-week wrap up of what I have learned...

Chicago is as awesome as I remember! The food, the public transportation, the cultural opportunities, and most importantly my friends and family are all what keep my love affair with Chicago holding strong.

But the parking and traffic still suck. It's not all wonderful. There are so many cars in the city, parking is tough in most places, and almost no one has a driveway. How on earth did I get groceries and Ikea furniture back to my apartment for 10 years?! It made me appreciate how easy it is to drive in Austin.

Grant Achatz is a culinary genius, but I am not sure I would go back (gasp!) The Alinea experience was so unique, and Tom and I are still talking about how entertaining, and how fun the meal was. It is true there were many new textures and treatments of food that blew my mind. Ultimately, however, none of the food was so exceedingly tasty that I would blow such a huge wad of cash to do it all again. I'd rather fly to New York for a long weekend, or update my wardrobe for the season ahead. But I will pay any asking price to get a place of those black truffle explosion raviolis.

Celebrating with family is priceless.  This is something I kind of already know, but celebrating two wedding and a birthday party are excellent reminders of how much I love my families, and how luck Tom and I are.

Work sucks. It's true! At least when you compare it to vacation. But coming back, I also remembered that it's really nice to be employed, so you can afford to pay your bills and buy groceries (and go on more trips.)

I never want to have an enterography CT scan ever again.  It turns out that little pill isn't quite working how it is supposed to. So, the doctor ordered a scan and my stomach hasn't been the same since the scan prep. I heard back today that the CT showed no abnormalities. This sort of brings me back to square one. I am hoping the doc has a few other ideas...

There's no place like Home(r). I missed that guy so much. And my bed. I missed my bed.


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