Sunday, October 31, 2010

Exercising My Right

Day: 442
High Temp: 84F

I try to keep things pretty apolitical here at DMWL, but I wanted to let you all know that Friday afternoon I exercised my right to vote for the first time as a citizen of the (large, confusing and sometimes great) state of Texas. As a person who generally leans towards the liberal spectrum, I feel like my vote is even more important here than it was in Illinois, and I have to say that it felt really good to NOT vote for Rick Perry-I have had enough of wacky governors with full heads of dark hair, thankyouverymuch!

Despite having my heart broken early on in my voting life (I am sure you all remember Gore, then Kerry...) I always get a little thrill when I vote. Call me old fashioned, but I believe it is a really important thing to do.

So, do your community a favor and go out and VOTE on Tuesday! And if you aren't sure who to vote for, or who might be on your ballot, do a little research before you head to the polls. There are so many amazing resources for modern voters to take advantage of on the internet, there is no excuse for people nowadays to be uniformed.


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