It is no secret to anyone that I have not been feeling exactly fulfilled at my day job, in fact, I have just come through a rather rough patch there. I had been thinking for a while that it might be good to just go out and find a place to work with on a volunteer basis, to help fill in what I feel is lacking at my current job. In a stroke of amazing timing, a friend from Theatre & Dance here at UT emailed me to see if I would be willing to sit down and talk with Conspire's founder about fundraising. It seemed like a great fit, so I jumped at the opportunity.
It's probably not even been two months since that first meeting, but in that time the group has started strategic planning, and I am helping them along. It's a great group of people, and the work they are doing is really important. Theses ladies are changing people's lives. It is a wonderful thing.
And... we are in the middle of a fundraising campaign! The next big project for the company is to bring a class to the Maximum Security inmates at the Travis County Jail. We are also looking to incorporate as a 501 (C) 3 sometime soon. Oh, and there will soon be monthly workshops outside the jail for our program alums who have been released, as well as others in the community curious about our process. It all costs money, so...
... if you like me make a gift! Or if you like the idea of what Conspire is doing, make a gift! Or if you just realize that giving $10 to this company will do more good than buying two lattes this week, please click the little widget above and MAKE A GIFT! We are just $180 away from meeting our goal, and if we raise more, it will just give us greater opportunities to grow the company, reach more women, and just plain do more good. There's only 9 days left in the campaign. Do it. Click the widget. Make a gift!